Great article! Do you have any insights about when it's the right moment to start with DataOps and what components will be prioritized in different stages? I feel that having a small team and taking care of all of this is complicated, but you can prioritize different initiatives to add value to the team.

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Thanks, that's a great question:

I'd use CI/CD pipelines and IaC on all but the smallest projects and Proof of Concepts (PoC) if I was starting a new build.

Though I say that from a position of experience and confidence in being able to get up and running with CI/CD and IaC quickly. Trying to add DataOps is more tricky on a existing project/platform, especially if you're in a small team and no experience of doing DataOps before.

If I was in such a position, I'd add one element at a time, and I'd start with CI/CD pipeline first, as software changes more than infrastructure, so will see a quicker Return on Investment (RoI).

I'd then add IaC deployments and metrics after that (though I'm now seeing software that has metrics built into your CI/CD software: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BrcMV6rCDw).

Hope that helps!

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